Resources and Teaching Ideas

This page contains a range of teaching resources accessible through websites. The internet has thousands of free sources to help teachers incorporate IWBs into their classroom. The particular resources include activities for use in the History curriculum strand. They have all been specially compiled for use on IWB’s and are very easy to access and use.


20 Interactive Whiteboard Resources for Teachers.

This website contains a list of 20 interactive whiteboard resources and activities guaranteed to stimulate learning.  The purpose is to allow teachers to easily set activities which enhance thinking skills surrounding not only the key earning area of History but all of the curriculum strands. The website separates the resources into two categories, one for general resources and the other for games and activities which makes it easy to find what you are looking for!

Topmarks: The best, free interactive whiteboard resources

This website also has resources for all of the curriculum strands; however this link takes you to the History page and displays a great range of engaging activities. The links take you directly to the website where you can quickly set up the activity ready to go. 65 Free Interactive Whiteboard Resources

This website show cases a list of 65 interactive whiteboard resources and activities guaranteed to stimulate learning. The categories include general teacher resources, interactive games and activities and more unique resources students love.


My Place: For Teachers

On this website you will find rich, educational material to support primary and lower-secondary teachers using the My Place TV series in the classroom. It allows you to explore background information on events and people significant to Australia’s history. The video clips from the TV series are able to be viewed using the IWB for the whole class to see and discuss. The teaching activities relate to current themes and there is also a forum to chat with other teachers.


Scholastic: Teachers

The lessons provided on this site will give you a taste of the many exciting things you can do in Notebook software. You can see just how easy it is to create and deliver lessons that are interesting and interactive while reinforcing learning objectives. It includes many curriculum resources and lesson activities.

2 thoughts on “Resources and Teaching Ideas

  1. Great list of resources! The internet is excellent for helping to find educational and interesting lessons for use in the classroom.

  2. Haylee King says:

    Thanks Stacie,

    Did you have a look into any of the particular resources, and are there any that were of personal use to you that you may feel you could use within the classroom context? Our hope here is that possibly students will be able to access this blog on their practicum and utilise the resources on the IWBs to engage students with. Let us know if you come across any other fantastic resources, this can be a place where we all share information and ideas!


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